The end of another year. 2012 - the Best of Times, the Worst of Times. Either way it is all in the past. A farewell to 2012 and a welcome to 2013 - let it shine.....
January 2012 Highlights

Betty (our author friend) was invited to speak at the Seattle Boat Show. It was a rush in and a rush out, and I was on crutches for a swollen foot, but it was still a treat to be at the Boat Show.
We spent the day at the Tacoma Glass Museum with Shawn & Kelly. The skies were dark and gray (typical Seattle day), but it was warm and shiny inside the museum.
A little winter frost - In January
February Highlights
Each year the snow geese grace us with their presence. Thousands of them migrate to the Skagit Valley. It is truly a sight to behold, when you can get close enough to them.
March Highlights
Betty was asked to speak at the Seattle Yacht Club. Part of the day we spent taking photographs (of course).
My brother (the youngest sibling), celebrated his 40th birthday. This was a true gift to all of us, Kevin is terminally ill and no one thought he would make it to his 40th year.
April Highlights
When you live in the Skagit Valley, each year in April, we are surrounded by fields of color. It is also when we celebrate the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and visitors from all over come to see it.
May Highlights
Not much happened in May. Either that, or I didn't take any photos to remind me?
June Highlights

Back to Princess Louisa Inlet with Betty Wright, for what is now our annual trip. This trip we spent time taking her book to various bookstores. The highlight, of course, was the trip to Princess Louisa Inlet.
Another highlight during that trip, was the rainy day Tony and I spent at Granville Island in Vancouver.
The biggest highlight in June - Tony turned 55.
July Highlights
This year we made two trips to Princess Louisa Inlet. The second one was in July. Tony and I, arranged for a plaque to be put in Betty and Jim Wright's name at Princess Louisa Inlet. This place has come to mean a lot to both of us, thanks to Betty, and we wanted to honor her. I made arrangements with a friend up there to take us on his private boat, so that we could spend as much time as Betty wanted, instead of the hour that the tour company gives visitors. It was truly a wonderful day and great memories were formed to cherish for years to come.

My sister and her kids came up for a day. She had an old family photo from her husband's family, that she wanted Tony to restore. While he worked away on the photo, my sister, the kids and I went to Coupeville and Ft Casey and spent a wonderful day, walking, talking and just hanging out.
In July, my father and stepmother, celebrated their 50th anniversary.
August Highlights

August is a busy month in Anacortes - at least the 1st weekend is. It is the weekend of the Anacortes Arts Festival. This year, I volunteered in the children's area and managed their facebook page.
September Highlights
We spent Labor Day Weekend at Shawn & Kelly's house. On a very clear and sunny day, Tony and I, spent the afternoon on Mt Rainier. The mountain was out in full glory and we took advantage of it. It was my first visit to this glorious peak.

Whale Watching with Island Adventures - One of my most favorite things to do. The goal that day - to see a baby orca and we did. Unfortunately no photos, but I got to watch through the binoculars.
October Highlights
Spent the day with Shawn, Kelly, Madi and friends at a pumpkin patch.
November Highlights
Tony joined O.A.R.S. this year. It is the Anacortes Rowing team. Each week (weather permitting), they go out and row for an hour.
Tony working the camera - Lake Padden in Bellingham
December Highlights
A postcard from our son's artist friend, Han Kwon. He asked everyone what their favorite childhood toy was. This is his version of an Easy Bake Oven . Thank you, Han.
Photo of the year