
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Act of Yumminess

What a nice way to start the beginning of the year by being the recipient of a Random Act of Yumminess.  An anonymous gift-giver generously sent us a yummy box of good food from my favorite place - Klesick Family Farms.  Why? Not sure.  Who? Don't know. 

A healthy gift of veggies and fruits.  A thoughtful gift that we will enjoy and treasure for a long time.  Thank you to this anonymous gift-giver.  May you know that your gift is being enjoyed to the fullest.

Expressing myself with delicious thankfulness.

1 comment:

Kathleen Kaska said...

On this snowy morning, seeing those fresh and HEALTHY veggies makes me think of spring.
My Random Act of Yumminess is fresh bird seed for the juncos. I'm sure they never wonder where it comes from; all the better.