And, of course, we had to go one day and photograph the Snow Geese.

To the left is a photo of me with my maternal Grandpa.

No Spring is complete without a trip to the tulip fields. Tony and I have lived in the Skagit Valley since 2005, and it wasn't until 2016 that we finally visited Tulip Town during locals night.
In May, I was sent to Sidney, B.C. to overlook an art show that was in cooperation between Anacortes and Sidney. It was so much fun. I stayed with the cutest lady. She is in her eighties, and she is British. She was such a dear, and so much fun to be with.
Tony had to stay behind and manage the business.

In June, our sons surprised us with a party for our 40th anniversary. And it was a surprise. We had no clue. My dad and stepmom came up from Oregon. And our youngest flew in from Colorado. It was a most special occasion and it meant the world to us.
The next day we spent in Seattle with our sons, and Chris' friend Jeni. We had a wonderful time. We went to the Art of the Brick show at the Pacific Science Center, then Shawn had to leave, so Tony, Chris, and I went out and took photos.
In September, Tony and I took a day trip to Vancouver for the annual ZOMBIE Walk. IT was amazing, not too scary :-), and fun to photograph.
So many great things happened this year, for example, my sister asked me to take my nephews Senior Photos. What an honor. I am so proud of this young man, and it is hard to believe he is a young man now. Graduation will come too soon, then off to college.

The big news for me this year, was I self-published my first novel, THE BLOOD STONE QUEEN. Some friends helped me pull together a book Launch party at the Depot in October. It happened to be the same night as a Presidential Debate, but I still had around 25 people come out to support me. This has been a dream of mine since my mid-twenties.
The book is available on Amazon The cover designed by Tony Locke.
Overall, I would say 2016 was a WONDERFUL year. So many first, and so many great happenings. I am forever grateful to all of those in our lives, you are special and mean a lot to Tony and I. To our sons, Shawn and Chris, thank you. Your dad and I are so proud of you.
As we approach 2017, for the first time, it is with uncertainty in the future. But, we also approach it with love and hope, for we are surrounded by people that are tough, resilient, and supportive. Thank you all for a great 2016.
Karla and Tony
PS - I also forgot to mention that Tony and I started another new venture (as if we don't have enough), it is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. We started an online magazine called Stories from the Front Porch. Visit our website and click on the Latest Issue to read it. Thanks.
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