
Sunday, January 26, 2014

A House Divided During Superbowl

As Superbowl approaches I find myself caught between two teams and their fans.

You see, I am from Bronco country and I am a Bronco fan. I have been since the glory days of John Elway. That is when I discovered football and that is when I became hooked.

Now, I live amongst the 12th Man - Seahawks fans.

Twenty five years ago we left Bronco country and moved to Washington state. Being surrounded by Seahawk fans, I lost interest in football. I no longer keep up with the teams, the games, or who's who.

This year, like so many Seahawk fans, I got caught up in the excitement.  And, I am thrilled that the Seahawks are going to the Superbowl. But now, my past and my present are colliding with the future because both teams are going to the Superbowl.

I have found my house divided. Our oldest son immediately became a Seahawks fan as soon as we moved to Washington and still is. Our youngest, however, is a die-hard Broncos fan and now lives in Colorado.

So, which team do I choose? Like my house, I am divided between the teams. I have decided I support both.

I support the Broncos - after all I am a Bronco fan.

I  support the Seahawks.

I support the coaches and the players for all of the hard work and drive it took to get to the Superbowl.

I support the fans of both teams.

I support that I will enjoy the Superbowl and be a fan of both teams. After all, why do I have to choose? Why, can't I just enjoy.

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