It's the end of another year and time for a year-in-review-recap. But, first, why do we look back? Is it to maybe help us look forward? That is my goal for 2014. I am ending 2013 with forgiveness towards those that caused harm, and being grateful for those that loved and are loved and were there during the year. I want to start 2014 with a clean slate. One that is ready to accept love, gratitude and togetherness.
Goodbye 2013 - you had some great moments and those are the ones that I will carry on with me as 2014 rings in.
For me, so much of my life is recorded on Facebook, so guess where I go for memories :-)
Thank goodness too. Between Facebook and my photographs, I can remember what I did throughout the year.

This is one of the pieces he did for me.
Notice the Cool Name.
Tony and I went to Boundary Bay in Canada with a couple of our favorite ladies who love to photograph birds.

As a result of the La Conner Race, we met a guy who does amazing boat building, as well as, bronze casting so were invited to watch, and photograph, him while he worked.

Another one of Han's artwork.
This year we tried something different - we did SUNRISE WITH THE DAFFODILS. Quite a few of us got up on a foggy, chilly March morning and went out to photograph the daffodils at sunrise. All I can say is STUNNING.
April around here would not be complete without a photograph of the tulip fields. Instead of sunrise, we did sunset.
May (and June) had Highs and LOWS.
In May, after a 5+ year battle with a disease that no one could explain, our brother passed away. Kevin was the youngest of five children and the only boy in a house full of girls. He was forty one.
Rest in Peace little brother, your sisters miss you everyday.
From left to right:
Jim (stepfather)
Tracie (sister)
Kristine (sister - in the front)
Mica (sister - in the front)
Far right - Me
Behind me - Kevin
Sandra and Debbie - stepsisters
May is the month I got into politics. Well sort of. I was the Facebook guru for a few local people who were running for office. One of which is now our new Mayor. YEAH!

In June
Tony turned another year older and got that much closer to the big 60. We also celebrated our 37th anniversary.

August was the launch of my first book. It is available as an ebook. I had joined a writers group and a critique group, which helped me fulfill a lifelong dream - to write.
Cover Design by Tony Locke. Photo provided by John Holtman (thanks John).


This year Tony captured me sitting on a vintage harley surrounded by the Seattle Cossacks stunt team. Me and my motorcycle men :-)

A fun month - full of good happenings.
Starting with the 8th grade graduation of my nephew Ben. It was a bittersweet moment when I attended the 8th grade graduation of Ben as he moved that much closer to being a young man.
We spent a beautiful Fall day in Vancouver with Betty.

Apparently November was such a busy month, I didn't have too much time to record anything.
For Veteran's Day, I posted this photo of Tony and I. When we got married, Tony was in the Air Force. He was going to wear his dress blues but for some reason my mom did not want him to. Now I wished I had not listened to my mother. Parents aren't always right.
Han's last piece of art for 2013. Looking forward to seeing what he does in 2014.
December was sort of a big month for me. I turned 55. At first I was dreading it, but as it approached I felt a sort of new found respect for it and was actually kind of looking forward to it. Maybe it was turning 55 that made this year seem like the beginning of all kinds of new things.
I also self-published my second ebook - Dream Obsession.
For birthday/Christmas, I got a new camera. I call it my "big girl" camera. I have finally joined the DSLR group. To celebrate Tony and I took off for the Nooksack, on the Sunday after Christmas, to photograph the eagles. My lens wasn't quite long enough, but I still got some decent shots. Either way I had a great time.
To 2013 - I say, "Thank You."
You were the year of dreams coming true. The year of sorrow and joy. A year of gratitude and moving on.
To 2014 - I say, "Welcome."
Bring it on baby, I am ready. Let's move forward and soar to places we only dream of.
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